December 06, 2007

It Lives

Hiya everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know I am alive! I know it has been a while and the last time I wrote I was all bummed and crap......
Let's see..I have about 5 minutes to write this because I still do not have Internet at home and I have too come to the local library to use the internet
BIG HONKIN HINT...if you want to give me big time prezzie...I could use a laptop with wireless capabilities so I can just hit the hot spots around town to use the thing. Still no phone service at home but I have a cell so iffin you want to reach me..and you know you do....just throw me an e-mail an when I get it, I'll send you my new cell number.
OKAY now an update. Dear husband is still doing well bu tr his meds run almost 400 a month. Hey could be worse.
Daughter has the attitude from hell but she is still the nuttiest kid I know and will still cuddle up with her mom on occasion.
I'm still working and loving my job. Wish I had a damn car though. I'm renting one this week because the last one I was going to buy fell through. Hard to find a $1000 car that has a good transmission and can get at least 20 mpg. I need to have a talk with Dave Ramsey about that "driving a beater" thing.
My husband is still working as well....Is that freaking unbelievable or what! We have both been employed since April!!!
We are catching up slowly but surely on the debt thing. Biggest issue is trying to catch up on the mortgage right now. Other than that we have water, electricity and gas!!!YES!!!!
Oh and another upside since the last time we spoke. My dog's issue is better. I found a dog and kept it in my backyard while trying to find it's owner...well he lives with us now. My dog gets along with him pretty well and they hang outside during the day with no problems! On bad weather days they hang out in the utility room together. It has been a Godsend...uh but the new dog eats like a friggin horse.
Anyhow...I have ideas on keeping this thing current but it will have to be after the holidays. I work like a dog during the holidays but I like it and I get paid.
Damn I'm lucky!
I gotta go the library chases folks like me off around this time.
Drop me a note guys..oh and the little elf that dropped something in my bucket.....I LOVE YOU!!


Melessa Gregg said...

You live! Thanks for the update. Love you.


Anonymous said...

MAN do I miss the hell outta you!

I hope you guys have a nice Christmas!

uh, the one in Delaware, LOL

Emily said...

hey!!! I miss you too!!!


mom to the magnificent Jake, and several other little ones..

Anonymous said...

Geez, how on earth did I miss this?? Thank you for the update, babe. I miss you like crazy. xoxoxo and Merry Christmas/belated Hanukkah wishes to you, R. & H.Bear.