November 26, 2006

Is it over yet?

Ahhh the joys of the holiday season. NOT!! Actually, since the beginning of November I've slowly but surely tried to undo any amount of therapy and medication that I've gone through.
Maybe it was a slow painful death I was looking for, then again maybe NOBODY out there in the real world slapped my upside the head and said.."STOP! Rethink this move you are making!" But did you do it? NO! We're you on the other end of the damn screen screaming "HOLY SHIT don't think about volunteering at the kid's school near the holidays!" No, you were not. So I spent many a day at the school volunteering and going to meetings at the school in the evening and helping a child with a project and getting ready for the holidays and getting stuff ready for the second benefit garage sale. I barely slept, cranked on my husband and child and encountered a roaring case of PMS in the mirror. Damn that woman in the mirror.(Stop it, I know you are thinking of that Michael Jackson song, now just quit it.)
Anyway, that garage sale is over and we did pretty well. I'm holding the final garage sale at my house this coming weekend. I've had some wonderful people donating items for the sale.
So after the sale, we start working on getting this house together or at least cleaned up enough to have people over after the holidays.
I know this hasn't been the most witty entry in the world and it actually is boring me to write it. I felt I needed to just pop in though since I've been gone so long.
Did ya miss me?


Melessa Gregg said...

Yes! I missed you.

rantingmama said...

Why thank you Melessa! I miss you too!

Anonymous said...

YESSSSSSSSSS!!! I've missed you. I keep misplacing the link to your blog and I need to get it on my blogroll so I can remember where to find you. Can I call you soon? I love talking with you, always and did I mention I miss you? :) Also forgot to thank you for your lovely comment about Nolie from a while back. You always have a way of making me feel like it's all gonna be okay and that I'm a great mom when I feel like the shittiest one. Love you, honey.

rantingmama said...

Yo Toni!
I'm so glad you found me again. PLEASE call me anytime. It is always wonderful to talk to someone who has a warped vision of me.(like thinking I have a clue about anything)
I love you and all your boys!